Arcane Express Bundle


This item is not released yet! Please be mindful when discussing this publicly.

With the Summer Test Realm, we were getting indications of something Train Related as early as the initial patch - July 20th! (V_r720843.WizardDev). Not a clue what was up though. However, by September 22nd, we'd have more of a clue.

It looks like we're getting a sequel to the Pet Trainer Bundle with that energy gear.

Gear & Aesthetics

This gear was practically added in two stages, we got the aesthetics on September 8th (V_r723320.Wizard_1_490). We also got the (incomplete) set bonus.

However, the stats came on September 22nd, with V_r724231.Wizard_1_490. The stats are literally just energy. New item-cards are found on this set, and the set-bonus was also updated - ditching the fishing luck for Mana, Health & Stun Block.

Pet (Chipmunk Conductor)

Not much to say about it, it's a Chipmunk Conductor. It was added to the files on July 20th 2022, with the initial patch of the Summer 2022 TR (V_r720843.WizardDev). I suppose Spiritual Retriever is nice?

Mount (Lil' Steam Engine)

This mount is awesome! So awesome in-fact, that it deserves its own video! Digging the animations on this one - please enjoy them!

It was added to the files on July 20th 2022, with the initial patch of the Summer 2022 TR (V_r720843.WizardDev).

[Rideable]Arcane Train Engine

So, notice how October bundles have a Housing Item? This one is no different! Starting with the initial patch of the Summer 2022 TR (V_r720843.WizardDev), we'd get a few train-themed housing items, including the Arcane Train Engine!

However, it's not until August 4th (V_r721707.WizardDev) and August 9th (V_r721865.WizardDev) that we'd get an idea, with some very convenient help text & help images!

Sources / Timeline

~Oct 11th: The bundle is added to GameStop's website, but we don't know exactly when.

Thu, September 22nd 2022 / V_r724231.Wizard_1_490: The Arcane Engineer's gear-set is given stats in this update! Two unique item-cards are introduced for this set, which, surprise, is an energy set. The set bonus is also updated, striking out Fishing Luck.

Fri, September 9th 2022 / V_r723320.Wizard_1_490: The aesthetics of the now very clearly "Arcane Engineer's" set are added to the files along with a temporary set bonus...

Thu, August 25th 2022 / V_r722680.Wizard_1_490: Indications of an "Arcane Engineer's Set" show up in the files.

Tue, August 9th 2022 / V_r721865.WizardDev: This was the patch where we got the help images!

Fri, August 4th 2022 / V_r721707.WizardDev: In this patch, a draft of the help text for the train feature is introduced.

Wed, July 20th 2022 / V_r720843.WizardDev: Gear/Icon - is updated with the Arcane gear-set icons. Mount - The "Lil' Steam Engine" is added to files with the initial test realm patch. Housing - Arcane Train Engine housing item is added to files with initial patch.

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