Grizzleheim Art Book


This art book was released publicly via official sources on 23rd August 2022. Therefore, this item is considered released.

Released as of 23/08/2022 (08/23/2022)

📖 Grizzleheim Art Book. This book (including the concept art) arrived with the Spring 2022 Test Realm (V_r715879.WizardDev) on Tuesday, April 12th 2022.

Grizzleheim Concept Art

You can find the concept art in the tabs, two per tab with the exception of the last tab.

Please enjoy!

Tip: These are found in "_Shared-WorldData.wad" in GUI/ArtBookImages.

01_Hub & 02_Wolverine

Sources / Timeline

Tue, August 23rd 2022: The Grizzleheim Art Book is released for 1,500 Crowns via official sources. This page is therefore considered archived.

Tue, April 12th 2022 / V_r715879.WizardDev: The concept art for the Grizzleheim Art Book is added to the files with the Spring 2022 Test Realm.

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