Saga Spellement Packs (127/128/129)


From the initial test realm patch on April 12th (V_r715879.WizardDev), we were exposed to new Spellement packs! This is basically the crowns equivalent of the new Spellements (may be outdated).

One "Malistaire Saga Spellemental Pack" was given on May 2022's KI Live Lite. Here's how that looks like! Though... the Arc 2 and 3 spellements don't exist yet...

Sources / Timeline

Tue, August 16th 2022: The "Malistaire Saga Spellemental Pack" is released to the Crown Shop for 199 Crowns! This is on Live Day for the Summer TR... and seems to replace the Lore Pack?

Thu, May 31st 2022: A "Malistaire Saga Spellemental Pack" is given on May 2022's KI Live Lite!

Wed, April 27th 2022 / V_r716710.WizardDev: The pack data is added to the files, giving us some more information on what these are.

Tue, April 12th 2022 / V_r715879.WizardDev: The saga packs models are added to the files with the initial test realm patch!

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