Yuletide Mornings Pack 2021


This item was publicly released via official sources on 10th December 2021, as part of the second day during 12 Days. Therefore, this item is considered released.

Released as of 10/12/2021 [12/10/2021]

This pack (or at least the gear) was added with test realm to the files on November 11, 2021 (V_r709410.WizardDev), this would be the Yuletide pack for this year, expected during the 12 Days. The wands "noisemakers" followed in the updates shortly after. The most notable thing about this pack is the gear (tuxedo / dress) - wow, what a good segue into the next section.

The mount from this pack is known as the Auld Lang Sphere, a disco ball that the player rolls on, whilst the pet is a treant known as "New Year's Treant" - which will be added to this page in the coming days.

New Year's Gear

This image below is intended to give an overview of this upcoming pack, please note that the stats of the female gear are the same, though the gear is named differently to match the attire. Whilst the stats are mostly "meh", the aesthetics are really cool.

Auld Lang Sphere

The mount from this pack is the "Auld Lang Sphere" shown below. It is +40% at Perm.

Sources / Timeline

Fri, 10th Dec 2021: This pack is officially released to the Crown Shop on the second of twelve days. Therefore, this pack is considered released.

Mon, 15th Nov 2021 / V_r709602.WizardDev: The pack "Yuletide Mornings Pack 2021" is added to the files with an update to test realm, and the set is given stats. The pack model and Pack Preview confirm that the above gear is part of this pack.

Wed, 10th Nov 2021, V_r709410.WizardDev: Unknown CS gear is added to the test realm files - a tuxedo for males and a dress for females - it is not assosciated with any pack yet, though is assumedly the gear for the Winter pack this year.

Last updated