Novus & Fall 2022 TR

2022 World Expansion


Yea sure, the World is public, but a lot of the things discussed here aren't. Be mindful.

The unique logo for the next world!

Novus is our next world (unless you're reading this in 2023+), and this page will document everything we know about it so far - from teasers to leaks & other things. So, get comfortable.

In a Nutshell

Novus, the world completely unknown until the Summer 2022 TR, when the bundle house - "Catmandu House" spilled the beans. The files were the only indications of Novus we'd get... until September 2nd 2022, the first teaser.*

We know that the world will be based on "surrealist art".. Based on what we have, we know that the initial quests will go through the events of the Orb outside of the Arcanum.

Novus Content

Surprisingly, we don't have ANY Music for the world yet. Though, we've got quite a decent amount of content otherwise.

Q1 -Something Wicked That Way Goes

Some of the dialogue is joined together to avoid a long page. Speakers are assumed. [Added: Summer TR 2022 / V_r721464.WizardDev / August 2nd]

*Anything considered significant will be marked with bold/italics.

1: WizQst179799

Maulwurf Von Trap: Wizard, that strange something outside... I think it is changing, splintering. Look at it!

Maulwurf Von Trap: Oh my shock face! What did we just see? That... that hole leads to the greater Spiral. And now pieces of that Something have-

Maulwurf Von Trap: I think this is one of the rare events that is beyond the understanding of Musicology. We must consult an expert in all things Astrological.

Maulwurf Von Trap: Talk to Scholar Qyburn in his office. I will stay and keep an eye on this thing.

Arcanum - Astral:

Qyburn Stellargaze: Oh, Wizard, I'm glad you're here. I need a second opinion. Does space smell funny to you? Not always, of course, but in, like, the last few minutes

Qyburn Stellargaze: WHAT? There was a thing outside that shot other things into the Spiral? Oh my, what kind of thing was it? Never mind.

Qyburn Stellargaze: I have a machine that can scan it and tell me. It's the Stellarometer over there. Go push the button, let's see what it does.

Qyburn Stellargaze: So that's what it does. Huh. I never used it before, just pulled it out of storage. Let's see what it says about your thing.

Qyburn Stellargaze: Hmm. The thing outside is composed of music and Nothing? Nothing can be made out of nothing. Stupid machine, no wonder I never unpacked you.

Qyburn Stellargaze: What do you mean that makes sense, Wizard? Never mind, I'll go see for myself. Just let me grab the remote control pad and I'll meet you out there.

Arcanum (Sybil area)

Maulwurf Von Trap: So Herr Qyburn doesn't know what our mysterious thing is either. Ah, but you think it was made by the World Synthesizer?

Maulwurf Von Trap: Music and Nothing, that sounds right. Your Nothing friend was absorbed into the machine that warps the Song of Creation after all.

Qyburn Stellargaze: WHAT? That thing out there is made of Nothing? THE Nothing? From the World Synthesizer... it's a world made of the Nothing?

Maulwurf Von Trap: I think we should call it Novus. Because it is truly something new, yah?

Qyburn Stellargaze: It's not new! We studied it: a void that should've consumed and canceled out reality. But didn't! Perhaps because it didn't know about reality...

Qyburn Stellargaze: Until now! It's okay, it's okay. Stop panicking! I think my Stellarometer can find out where it went and send you there.

Qyburn Stellargaze: Yes you, Wizard. You met this thing, invited it in, made friends. Now come over here and I'll teleport you to where it went.

The Unformed World (Zone):

Qyburn Stellargaze: Wizard, Wizard are you there? Is this Stellar Communicator working? Did the Stellarometer zap you into an empty sky? Are you falling?

Qyburn Stellargaze: No? Good. What are you seeing? An incomplete world? Checkerboards? That doesn't make any sense! What else?

Qyburn Stellargaze: Beams of energy flying off into the sky? Oh my... those sound like Leylines, visible Leylines connecting this world to... what?

Qyburn Stellargaze: There's a creature? A living creature? Is it friendly? Does it talk? Does it have teeth? Friendliness is inversely proportional to tooth sharpness.

Cucumber mob?: *HOWLS*

Qyburn Stellargaze: That sounded unfriendly!

Qyburn Stellargaze: Take this Stellar Communicator to talk to me through my Universal Pad Doohickey here. Now hold on. Stellarometer travel is... discombobulating.

Qyburn Stellargaze: Wizard... that new spell... it blends the Schools of Magic. How? My Stellarometer readings are... ah, sparks!

The Nothing: Wizard! I... am... here... I am forming...

Qyburn Stellargaze: I think you should come back before more laws of magic and reason are distorted around you. But I don't know how. My machine is des-

Qyburn Stellargaze: There's a World Door now? AH! My Paddulator!

Qyburn Stellargaze: Wizard! Wizard, come back *static* Arcanum. *static* New... Fire... Everywhere... *static* on fire! *small explosion*


Maulwurf Von Trap: Ah, Wizard, we were having the trouble with Qyburn's machines, so I tried to fix them with Musicology and well, you know how that goes... BOOM!

Q2 - The Longest Yarn- WizQst1797A9

This is likely an actual Novus quest... but, something is missing. I'm not even going to bother with the speakers..

[Added: Summer TR 2022 / V_r721707.WizardDev / Aug 5th]


Which means this could take a-

Help! Help! Oh... Moo Bu... the Puncher of the Sky Serpent... you have returned to us in our hour of need!

Seems so.

Can I have your autograph? Or get a Photomance with you or-

Weren't you yelling for help?

What? Right! The Horse-Lords seized a Temple of the Sacred Yarn with the Acolyte still inside! Someone must save him.

On it. Come on, Wizard, it's this way.

Do you seek the Captain? His yarn and yours no longer intertwine. He has what he sought and now he has left.

And what did he seek?

Knowledge. The Horde wishes to reach the Stone, but its winds tear at sails and it sits beyond the reach of any ladder.

By the Steppes, you're Moo Bu - Stomper of the World Turtle! I heard you retired in disgrace.

Something like that.

Well, when General Tung-Ak-

"...ascends to the Stone of Heaven, the clouds themselves will be squished." I've heard it. I was unimpressed.

Clouds are already squishy, Captain. Your General simply coils yarn in endless circles. While, Wizard, Moo Bu, our thread leads us outside.

I hate this place.

Sources / Timeline

Fri, November 4th 2022: "Novus Bundles" are released today! These are various "Bundles" that are available in the Online Cart, featuring new "Conatus Wall Hangings" + Memberships & Crowns.

Fri, October 14th 2022: The "Catmandu Sanctuary Bundle" is leaked presumably by GameStop workers who got it early - that's both of them done! Continued: These would be available in store from November 1st & online from 5th.

Thu, September 8th 2022 / V_r723320.Wizard_1_490: The "Sacred Yarn" gear for the Novus Bundle (Sacred Yarn Bundle?) is added to the files.

Tue, August 16th 2022 / V_r722136.Wizard_1_490: A bunch of Quest Titles are added to the files with test going live, revealing that WizQst1797A9's (Aug 4th) title is "The Longest Yarn"

It's actually amazing to get all this now, especially "The Longest Yarn". You can try guess the context from the titles.

Summer 2022 Test Realm⤵

Tue, August 9th 2022 / V_r721865.WizardDev: The Novus "Stone of Heaven" zone is added to the files (text only) in the last patch to the Summer TR.

Thu, August 4th 2022 / V_r721707.WizardDev: A quest is added to the files: WizQst1797A9. Associated with Novus but no Quest Title yet. Moo-bu?

Tue, August 2nd 2022 / V_r721464.WizardDev: The "Novus" pre-quest is added to the files with this patch. Likely not a teaser quest though.

Wed, July 20th 2022 / V_r720843.WizardDev: The "Catmandu House" is added to the files with Summer 2022 TR, exposing Novus as our next world.

Last updated