Skatepark Castle Blocks


Most of these have been released via official sources on June 2nd, 2022. As a result, this is considered archived & allows me to archive this god awful page. Jun 5: We're still waiting on the Wallpaper & Flooring.

Released as of 02/06/2022 [06/02/2022]

These skatepark themed castle blocks were added to the files with the update on 19th January 2022 (V_r711496.Wizard_1_470). Not much else to say, these aren't expected for a while.

Castle Blocks

Not much to say about these. They're parts for a skatepark. Due to the volume, we can probably expect them from a bundle.

Also, please ignore that the 8th icon is "Skatepark Stairs" - this is now "Skatepark Woop".


Thu, 2nd Jun 2022: The various Skatepark bundles added last update are released to the Crown Shop. The bundles include almost everything, so this page is considered archived.

Wed, 25th May 2022 / V_r718174.Wizard_1_480: Four new "Skatepark" bundles are added to the files with this update, containing all of these items (except wallpaper and flooring).

Wed, 27th April 2022 / V_r716710.WizardDev: A curious new "Skatepark Bundle" is added to the files with this test realm update (Spring 2022).

Wed, 19th Jan 2022 / V_r711496.Wizard_1_470: These housing items are added to the files, creating the first modifications to the "CastleBlocks" directory in a while.

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