Unforgiven Dead Gauntlet

Spring 2022


This gauntlet was released via official sources on the day that the Spring test went live. Therefore, this page is considered archived. Fun fact: This was the first gauntlet to be included in the actual test realm patch notes.

Released as of 28/04/2022 (04/28/2022)

This gauntlet seems to be set in some rendition of Avalon, known as Ettinburgh / The Highlands. The gauntlet has a Scottish theme, and the main character is "Donnybrook", an Ettin consisting of "Donny" and "Brook".

The dialogue is found below! Note that around the 3:30 mark, a piece of dialogue is missing.

The Highlands

Fortunately, or unfortunately, this gauntlet is mostly set in one zone, with various duels as you progress. The last zone is the Banrigh Castle where the Banrigh Sluagh is fought.

Here's the loading screen!

Sources / Timeline

Thu, April 28th 2022 / V_r716710.WizardDev: The "Unforgiven Dead Gauntlet" is released with Live day of the Spring 2022 Test Realm!

Thu, April 14th 2022 / V_r716142.WizardDev: The gauntlet can now be crafted as of this update. Prior, the reagents each costed 1,000 Crowns, making the gauntlet uncraftable.

Tue, April 12th 2022 / V_r715879.WizardDev: This gauntlet "Unforgiven Dead Gauntlet" is added to both the files and the update notes (a first!). Funnily, it would be uncraftable due to the impossibility of acquiring the needed reagents (see above).

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