Spiral Villains Hoard Pack (49/130)

Series49 / BoosterPack-130.


This pack was released (at long last) on July 27th 2022. Here is the release announcement. Therefore, this page is considered archived.

Released as of 27/07/2022 (07/27/2022)

The Spiral Villains Hoard, the next one with some much anticipated gear! Some contents of this pack were added with the Spring 2022 Test Realm on April 12th (V_r715879.WizardDev), though we wouldn't see the stats or aesthetics until May 25th (V_r718174.Wizard_1_480).

Arc Villains - Pack Gear (New)

The image below showcases the gear from this pack, which was wholly added to the files with V_r718174.Wizard_1_480 on May 25th 2022. Unfortunately they seem to have mixed the item-cards around, but they're really cool!

However, the real highlights of this gear are the aesthetics, featuring outfits from the Arc villains! The Morganthe stitch is super cool, shame it has no male equivalent. Stitches above!

EDIT: The gear would be modified (albeit very lightly) on June 30th's live patch (V_r719994.Wizard_1_480).

Aesthetics video

We decided to upload a video to showcase the aesthetics of this pack! Please enjoy.

Pet & Mount

This section will focus on the pet from this pack - "Shadow Webling" and the mount "Drake Hatchling" - additional information on these can be found in their respective tab.

Introduction - Shadow Webling

This pet was added on April 12th, 2021 with the initial test realm patch. (V_r715879.WizardDev) - more information in Sources. Not much to say here, it's a cool spider pet! Though this feels very much like a hatch pet owing to the stats. You can find the original leak and original images here. This is also found in the pack model!

Sources / Timeline

This pack was put together overtime, with various elements of this pack coming together slowly.

Wed, July 27th 2022: This pack is released to the Crown Shop. Therefore, this page is considered archived.

Thu, June 30th 2022 / V_r719994.Wizard_1_480: The gear is updated with today's patch, notably removing a few duplicate stats and switching around the item-cards!

Wed, June 1st 2022: This pack is added to the Loyalty Store in the June 2022 refresh, with a maximum of three. Oddly, the wands seem to be missing?

Wed, May 25th 2022 / V_r718174.Wizard_1_480: Gear - The set is added to the files, completing the missing model and stats!

Tue, April 12th 2022 / V_r715879.WizardDev: The Spring 2022 TR brings a lot of additons! Pack - The pack model/art is added to the files. Pet - The pet "Shadow Webling" is added to the files! Mount - The mount "Drake Hatchling" is added to the files! Gear/Icons - The icons for the Morganthe & Malistaire sets are added to the files! Gear/Model - The Morganthe gear model is added with the test realm patch!

Wed, February 16th 2022 / V_r712625.Wizard_1_470: Gear/Icon - Equipment_Complete_Color83.dds is updated with the Spider gear icons. No gear yet.

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