Awards Housing Items


These items were officially released with the Awards Show Bundle (6500c) on February 25th, 2022. Therefore, this item is considered released.

Released as of 25/02/2022 (02/25/2022)

These housing items were added to the files on January 19th, 2022 with live realm update (V_r711496.Wizard_1_470). They seem to be related to awards/shows. In-fact, all of the show items appear in a CS Bundle known as "Awards Show Bundle" (see relevant page).

If one were to guess, these items would be related to the then ongoing Oscars?

Sources / Timeline

Friday, 25th Jan 2022: All these items are released with the "Awards Show Bundle" on this date.

Wed, 19th Jan 2022 / V_r711496.Wizard_1_470: These housing items are added to the files with an update to live realm under the "SP" directory.

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