
This page is now considered complete - though further research will be done to locate unused and scrapped spells. Thank you for visiting!


This page will serve to list all scrapped spell ideas / unused icons and spells. This will include anything removed from the files. A reference to where the item can be found in the files will be listed before the content itself should you wish to verify the existence of them or help find further content for the information hub. Something is considered scrapped if it has been dormant in the files for a long period, has been obviously replaced or incomplete entirely. The spells may include descriptions inferred from Spells.lang / Spell.lang (Root/Locale/English/Spell.lang) Anyway, without further ado, let's get into the spells.

SummonedImages = Shared/GUI/SummonedImages/

Fire Spells

Scrapped / Unused (Fire Spells) Spell 1: A fire spell named 'Supernova' that wasn't even graced for an icon. It would make sense for Supernova to have gone to Fire... Given that a supernova is an explosion. Spell 2: This just appears to be an unused icon for Efreet. Not much more to say here. Spell 3: The file name for this icon suggests that Iron Sultan was intended for Fire, kind of makes sense as well. Path: SummonedImages/Fire_Iron_Sultan.dds

Ice Spells

Scrapped / Unused (Ice Spells) Spell 1: An Ice spell known as 'Cold Depths Soldier' that exists in-game but was never added | Path: SummonedImages/Spell_Ice_Kraken Spell 2: An Ice spell known as 'Avalanche' that wasn't made into anything. It seems that it would have been an Ice AOE | Path:SummonedImages/Spell_Ice_Avalanche.dds Spell 3: Not exactly scrapped, this is the old Taunt icon, though this is just hearsay and I'm not able to confirm this. Spell 4: Very clearly Storm Owl but the outer border indicates that this could have been intended for Ice. | Path: SummonedImages/Spell_Storm_StormOwl.dds Spell 5: I can't confirm but assuming this is the old icon for Distract before it was replaced.

Storm Spells

Scrapped / Unused (Storm Spells) Spell 1: A storm spell known as 'Tentacular Doom' that wasn't developed any further. The description indicates that this would have been a Storm AOE. | Path: SummonedImages/Spell_Storm_TentacularDoom.dds Spell 2: This is actually in-game and used during the Rasputin fight for the Titan Experiment polymorphs. It has its own icon so I thought it would be interesting to include. Path:SummonedImages/Spell_Storm_Titan.dds Spell 3: A storm spell known as 'Chain Lightning' that never had anything done to it given that it wasn't even graced with an icon. It appears that this would have also been a Storm AOE. | Path: SummonedImages/Spell_Storm_Titan.dds

Death Spells

Scrapped / Unused (Death Spells) Spells 1-4: These are all the 'Bane' spells. They look quite different to Lifebane but I assume that their function would have been the same. The above is Mythbane, Stormbane, Firebane and Icebane. Path: SummonedImages/Spell_Death_Mythbane.dds (etc) Spell 5: This spell is known as 'Charm' - probably an early concept for Beguile but thought I would include it nonetheless. Path: SummonedImages/Spell_Death_Charm.dds Description: Charm enemy to fight for you for 1 Round.

Life Spells

Scrapped / Unused (Life Spells) Spell 1: Probably a life healing spell - referred to as 'Aid'. Interestingly, it uses the health globe for its icon. Path: SummonedImages/Spell_Life_Aid.dds Spell 2: This is 'Deathbane' and doesn't appear to exist apart from its icon. Its' function would have presumably been similar to Lifebane. Path: SummonedImages/Spell_Life_Deathbane.dds

Myth Spells

Scrapped / Unused (Myth Spells) Path: SummonedImages/Spell_Myth_[SpellName] Spells 1-4: The first four spells involve an unused mechanic known as 'Bounce' - which was discussed on a KI Live. It seems that it was scrapped due to recurring bounces. These spells existed in the 2011 files but were removed sometime after. As such, these spells "exist" and are not an imagination of how they would appear if they existed. It's an interesting concept and would have added a fair bit of strategy to the game. Notes: * I do not know if these spells were No-PvP or not. the No-PvP flag is known as m_PvE when set to 1. I'm assuming this refers to "PvE use only y(1)/n(0)". Few spells in the 2011 files have the m_PvE property. *In the 2011 files, there is also an m_PvP property on spells. For the majority, the value of m_PvP is 0. However, on these spells, it is set to 1. Applying the reverse logic of m_PvE ("PvP use only y/n") - this may indicate that in the past there were ideas for PvP only spells on the spell cards. So, it cannot be confirmed whether these spells had No-PvP or if they were possibly PvP exclusives. Thanks for reading. Spells 5-6: These spells - little is known about them. The first is a spell known as AncientDragon, the icon looks cool but the spell either didn't exist or was removed from files we don't have. The next spell is "Chicken Ranger" and from the description it would have been a Myth AOE.

Balance Spells

Note: Please consider when browsing through this section that when created, spells default to Balance alphabetically, and as such, these spells may not have been intended for Balance. Anyway, let's get in. Scrapped / Unused (Balance Spells) Spell 1: Pierce, but called Jinx, and requiring two pips, and being Balance. Since this was developed further than its icon, it's a fair bet this was intended for Balance. Spell 2: This spell is called 'Shroud' and it's interesting for two reasons, first, it's old. Like, was around in 2011 files sort of old. Maybe this was the pre-cloak concept - anyway, would have been cool. Spells 3-4: These are obviously 'Stormblade' and 'Fireblade' but they have the Balance icon border. To this day, these are the icons used. Again, it is unclear if the blades were going to be given to Balance, though they did get Elemental Blade and Spirit Blade, so it's not too farfetched to guess that they were. Iceblade was also here. Spell 5: This is probably an unused icon for Gaze of Fate. Spell 6: This spell is known as 'Blinding Light' - which we know is a Myth stun. According to the description of this "Blinding Light", it seems to have been related to accuracy. Spell 7: A spell known as Blight, I couldn't find any more information about it, and since its icon was not developed, it's safe to assume that it was scrapped. The spell description for this spell suggests it would have removed all wards from all players. The opposite of this spell is 'Voodoo' - which would have removed all charms from all players. Maybe they were early concepts for earthquake but that's just speculation. Spell 8: Stun Block, same deal as Spells 3-4, balance icon border, so it may have been intended for Balance.

Other Spells

Scrapped / Unused (Other Spells) Spell 1: If my sources are correct, this is the old icon for passing, in black and white. Spell 2: This nightmare fuel is an unused icon, related to Morganthe - supposedly a Shadow school spell but remains in the files unused - probably for good reason.

Last updated