Fall 2022 Scroll of Fortune

ClassProjects/Fall2022SOF - Imp Themed


This 'Scroll of Fortune' (Fall 2022) was released on September 1st, 2022 via official sources, thus this is considered released. Fun-fact: This scroll would start on August 30th, while the Summer Scroll was running!

Released as of 01/09/2022 [09/01/2022]

Hiya! This page is intended to document everything we know about the upcoming Scroll of Fortune (Fall 2022).

SOF - Fall 2022

Things you should know:

  • The reload/refresh icon indicates that this is exactly the same as the last Scroll.

  • Wooden signpost indicates that the item is new.

  • Uniquely, this Scroll of Fortune features an existing pack at 655 Points.

Last scroll was the Summer 2022 Scroll of Fortune - It can be found here.

This page will split the information we know about the upcoming Scroll into two sections -

  • An overview of the Scroll (as you can partly see below)

  • A deeper look into some of the items from this scroll below that.

Stats: 10/63 New Items, 36/63 Items same as last SOF.

Scroll Items

This section will feature some of the new items found in this scroll, please navigate the tabs for information on various items.

You can see an overview of some new items in a graphic below!

Mount - Autumn Imp Bumper Car(3x30d @ 2330)

Hey! That seems familiar! Quite an, um, interesting mount.

Root - Mount file: Root/ObjectData/Mounts/MNT_FallSoF2022-004.xml

Mount - Sources / Timeline

Wed, July 20th 2022 / V_r720843.WizardDev: The mount "Autumn Imp Bumper Car" is added to the files as of the initial Summer 2022 test patch!

Sources / Timeline

Wed, Sep 1st 2022: This "Scroll of Fortune" (imp themed) is released via official sources, therefore this page is considered archived.

Thu, August 4th 2022 / V_r721707.WizardDev: The Imp's Hideaway is added to the files with this test realm patch.

Wed, July 20th 2022 / V_r720843.WizardDev: Pretty much the whole Fall 2022 SOF is added to the files in this patch: Gear, Mount, TP Effect & Emote.

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Last updated