KI Live Pet Snacks

KI Live Pet Snacks


These snacks became available with the KI Live Snack Pack, given out as code "KILiveMarch2022" on March 2022's KI Live. (Mar 31st).

Released as of 03/31/2022 [31/03/2022]

KI Live Pet Snacks. These KI-themed snacks were added to the files on January 19th 2022 with an update to live. (V_r711496.Wizard_1_470) Due to the nature of these snacks (see below) and the filenames containing "KIL", we can infer that these are intended for KI Live.

Information about this page: This page will not be archived until all these snacks are out.

Sources / Timeline

Thu, 31st Mar 2022: The "KI Live Snack Pack" is given out on March 2022's KI Live as a code. Therefore, these pet snacks are considered released.

Wed, 16th Feb 2022 / V_r712625.Wizard_1_470: A "KI Live Snack Pack" is added to the files, indicating that these items will be obtained from a pack, likely handed out on KI Live.

Wed, 19th Jan 2022 / V_r711496.Wizard_1_470: These KI themed snacks are added to the files with the first patch of 2022.

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